Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Morning After

So here we are. It's come and gone once again. The fervor, the buzz, the proverbial insanity of another presidential election has come and gone. Like a steam engine rolling through a small town in the middle of the night... with all its fury, and deafening noise, it is over almost as quickly as it began.

Chances are, you're reading this and you're either celebrating or you are grieving. You cast your vote, you let your voice be heard, and either it wasn't enough to get the outcome you desired, or it was one more for good measure with the majority.

Either way, I encourage you to take a moment. Celebrate, if yesterday's results were exactly what you had hoped for. Or, if they were not, then take a moment to grieve. Do what you need to do. Take your time. Take a deep breath and collect your thoughts. Collect your wits. Collect your courage.

When you're moment is finished, look across the aisle. Grab your brother's hand. Give your sister a hug. We are one. Though the political machine would like us to believe otherwise, we are united.

We cannot allow what happened yesterday to divide us. We must come together. We must realize that the horse and pony show that we just witnessed accomplishes nothing. It's only smoke and mirrors. An illusion. A facade. There is a "wizard" behind the curtain that wants us to believe otherwise, but we must not fall victim to the lies.

What happened yesterday, accomplishes nothing. Even though it's hard to believe, and maybe still a little too early to think about it, it doesn't change a thing. Yesterday's victor is not tomorrow's savior.

We are one. We have one mission. And we have been called by the only One who matters.

It's not about what happened yesterday that counts. It's how we will live tomorrow that makes the difference.

There is one faith, one hope and one baptism, one God and Father of all.
There is one church, one body, one life in the spirit now given so freely to all.


Jerome K. Myers said...

my thought exactly... well written too. Thanks Man.

Anonymous said...

Well played sir. As much as I am mourning, I am excited to Unite with my fellow citizens and create positive change. We need to support President Obama and at the same time keep him accountable. The sky is the limit, and God is ultimately in control.

Danny said...

couldn't agree with you more buddy.

good stuff erik.

Anonymous said...

"E", this is Dustin. Although I have no faith in politics, yesterdays outcome gave me hope. For a moment, watching Obama give his acceptance speech, I saw something positive from politics. For the first time ever, a black man was CHOSEN the president of the U.S.A. To Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we may not have reached the mountain top yet, but we just took the single biggest step!