Thursday, October 16, 2008

Church or State?

I was reading another blog today about the upcoming election, and the following question was asked:

"Should the government be allowed to replace the responsibilities of the home or the church?"

It didn't take long for me to think about it and formulate my response.

My answer is simply, unfortunately, yes.

Why "yes"? Well, someone has to do it.

Why "unfortunately"? Well, the church clearly isn't doing its job.

That really sums up my views on all of these issues right now. If the church was doing what it was called to do, no one would be asking the government for help.

Social programs such as welfare, unemployment, medicare/medicaid, and subsidized housing would be non-existent if we, as the church, were living out our true calling.

But we're not. And should the innocent, the poor, the homeless, the sick (those a Wise Man once referred to as "the least of these") suffer because of our failure? I would say the answer is a resounding "No!"

My wife and I just had this same conversation this afternoon as we were re-watching last night's debates.

The Bible is full of God's promising to take care of us and to meet our needs. To provide us shelter, and food and clothing.

However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look around and see that there are people within our borders and beyond who are not provided such "luxuries."

Is it because God is a liar? Of course not. He has provided, just like He said He would... unfortunately there is such a disproportionate disbursement of wealth around our country (and beyond) that His provision is being held up in someone else's "storehouse."

Its a sad state of affairs when the church has failed so miserably at their calling, that we have to rely on the government to tax people and force them to do what God has originally asked the church to do.

So, again, should the government be allowed to replace the responsibilities of the church?

Unfortunately, yes.

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