Sunday, May 20, 2007

Are you in The Way, or are you in the way?

"I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father, except by me."
- Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

The earliest followers of Christ considered themselves as plunging into "The Way". This was an all encompassing lifestyle that followed the way of Jesus, the way of the Kingdom, and the way of the Cross. They looked to nothing or no one else for their inspiration. Their eyes were on Jesus alone... what he said, how he said it and what he did when he didn't say anything.

If we want to be true followers of Christ, we too must submerge ourselves in The Way. Everything we need to know about how to live, how to love and how to die is summed up in the person of Jesus Christ.

And by proclaiming Christ, and taking on the name of "Christian" we accept responsibility for being his ambassadors here on earth. Just as a political ambassador is that nation's representation in a foreign country, we are representatives of Christ to this world. This means that people are supposed to look at us and see Jesus in everything we do. We are supposed to be helping them find The Way.

If we are not truly in The Way, then we are simply in the way...